

Harris provides online actual and typical certifications for many of our consumable products.

Typical certifications supply customers with chemistry ranges using the American Welding Society (AWS) chemistries whenever possible.

To obtain a typical certificate, go to the typical certificate generator (http://typicalcerts.harrisproductsgroup.com/) and enter a Harris part number. Certificates may be customized with purchase order number, heat number, or other text as needed.

Actual certifications provide actual chemistry information (no ranges) for a given heat number of an alloy. In addition, these certifications provide traceability from the date of manufacture to use of the product. Actual certifications can be supplied with mechanical testing if mechanical properties are requested at the time product is ordered. (Mechanical test data may not always be available after orders have been placed.)

To obtain an actual certificate, go to the actual certificate generator (http://actualcerts.harrisproductsgroup.com/). After completing a brief registration process, a report may be located by entering the heat number found on the product label. Certificates may be customized with information such as customer name, purchase order number, order number, or order date.                

Harris doesn't supply actual certifications for branded flux due to proprietary formulas. However, limited informational typical certifications for flux are available. These certifications come with specifications, part number, and a space for customer to add information, but no chemistry information.