

Acetylene is a highly flammable and relatively unstable compound when in its pure gaseous form.  Inside cylinders acetylene gas is dissolved in liquid acetone to stabilize.  When exposed to excess temperature, pressure, or mechanical shock, pure or less than pure acetylene gas can undergo a violent, explosive decomposition reaction. Additionally, if this reaction, or an ignition of acetylene occurs downstream of the cylinder (such as in a manifold system, regulator or hoses), it can propagate back into the storage cylinder causing it to explode violently.

It is for this reason that manifold systems for acetylene are required to have decomposition arrestors installed at each cylinder connection.  Both CGA and NFPA mandate this to insure safe handling of the gas as it is withdrawn from the cylinder.  Harris manifold systems are supplied with decomposition arrestors assembled at the CGA connection that attaches directly to the cylinders.  These arrestors will not allow a flame front to propagate back into the cylinder where a catastrophic explosion could occur.  You can have confidence that Harris products are designed to meet or exceed all industry standards for safety and reliability when dealing with potentially hazardous gases and materials.