7018 Mild Steel Electrode

Diametri / imballo


4 ea Box
5 lb Box
10 lb Box
1/8" 7018600POP 7018605 70186010
3/32" 7018500POP 7018505 70185010
5/32" 7018705


Saldatura elettrodo rivestito (SMAW)

E7018 SMAW (Stick) is an all position iron powder, low hydrogen, steel electrode for welding mild steels including low alloy structures, piping, pressure vessels, boilers, heavy-duty equipment, shipbuilding, general maintenance and fabrication.


E7018 is an all position iron powder, low hydrogen, efficient steel electrode that yields a high deposition rate, excellent properties and x-ray quality welds. E7018 exhibits a quiet, stable, crack resistant, spatter- free arc with a moderately heavy slag that is easy to remove revealing a bead with distinct ripples.


  • High deposition electrode for low and medium carbon steels
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Produces crack resistant, x-ray quality welds
  • Provides a quiet, stable, low penetration, spatter-free arc

Applicazioni tipiche

  • Mild steel welding: low alloy structures, piping, pressure vessels, boilers, heavy-duty equipment and shipbuilding
  • General maintenance and fabrication that operates with AC or DCEP.