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There is a science and an art to welding – and teaching students how to weld. Lincoln Electric offers the industry’s freshest and most comprehensive products, curriculum and resources available for the welding education market today, including:

U/LINC® Curriculum – An effective, ready-made welding curriculum aimed at training a new generation of welders for the manufacturing landscape of the 21st century

Teaching Aids – Welding books, arc welding tutorials, DVDs, posters, lesson plans, welding project kits and design aids for the classroom.

VRTEX® Customer Training– Courses designed for professionals and educators who teach welding using the VRTEX virtual reality training tool.

REALWELD® Customer Training – Courses intended to allow new REALWELD® customers to get familiar with the system’s components, calibration, operation and system administration.

Regional Programs – Lincoln Electric conducts several training seminars at various locations around North America. These programs cover various topics, including, but not limited to, State Welding Educator Workshops, Power Wave® technology seminars, Distributor Training, Service School and Custom programs. Inquire here for potential programs in your area.

Skills Advancement Program – As a welding school instructor, you take any welding skills class at our Welding Technology & Training Center in Cleveland, Ohio at a 70% Discount.

The JFLF Welding Competition – By recognizing both welding projects and technical papers, this program inspires excellence in instructors who teach welding and work hard to further the scientific interest and advancement of arc welding.